Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Miracle after Miracle:]

HeY. Hi. HeLLo. So the Reason Why I am emailing today instead of yesterday is because we got to go to the temple today! OH MY GOODNESS IT WAS SO GREAT! let me tell ya. I love my Langley Temple:) felt like I was right at home seein it. 

We are actually still in Langley because we are going to Brad and Loretta's for Dinner! :) YaY! Never thought I'd be emailing in this library again though... ha it's weird to be in the area cuz it's all just so normal and comfortable to me! Like I can't explain it..! 

My District Sista's
You can just send letters to the mission office cuz we drop by a lot! :)

Anyway Sister Struempler and I had the craziest week of miracles of my life! like oh my heck.  I do not even know where to begin! SO MANY MIRACLES! Well first off we finally moved into our apt. It is a set of Elders old apartment and it was disgusting.  We spent five hours cleaning the Kitchen and one hour on the Tub alone! GAh. so nasty.  I'm gonna miss my Chinese Sista's.. ha

So let's talk miracles. So last Saturday we were out street contacting it up when a man covered in Tattoos was walking our way! Of course we stopped him and started up a convo.  Turns out he is a Mormon! WHAAAT? this happens all the time I swear. So we get talking and he has like brother's who are active Bishops and family who go, but he has been inactive since he was 14 because he saw his teacher's quorum Leader Smoking and it shook him.  SO SAD.  Well, we asked if the Elders could come visit him since he is a male and he was like, "actually could you come teach my two little girls?" ahhh. They are ages 8 and 12 and we went and visited them last night and I already love them! SO that was a huge miracle. I am so excited and happy for this family and I know they will one day be sealed in the temple. 

Another huge miracle that happened this weekend was while we were finding.  So Sunday night we had a huge rainstorm and it was just wild.  Right before we got out of the car to go finding, we said a prayer and asked that someone would let us in out of the rain so we can teach them about the restored gospel.  Well, we got out and the weather was ridiculous.  We looked like Mary Poppins getting blown around with our umbrella's! So the third door we knocked on was this Chinese Lady named Kaddy.  Before we could even say who we were or anything she was like, "Come in!" So we went in and she took our umbrella's and laid them out to dry and she got us these slippers to wear and told us to sit down on the couch and than she got us hot water.  We told her we were missionaries and she said she knows.  Her English was very poor, but she was incredibly kind!  We started talking and she told us that she also attends a Jesus Christ church.. She then went and got a small piece of paper with the address of her church.  Turns out it is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! WHAT?! ha We have a Chinese Branch so we thought she was member of that, but nope.  She has been attending the Saturday Morning English classes provided by the Chinese-Speaking Missionaries and she thought that was church! haha so cute.  They always start off class with a hymn and a prayer and she was so excited to tell us that she never knew how to pray, but the Elders taught her how and that it was like a hamburger! haha start-middle-end.  haha She went on to say how she always feels peace when they sing the song.  We very simply taught her the Restortation and now she wants a Book of Mormon in her language and said missionaries could come back.  It was such a miracle. I know the Lord answers prayer and that he loves Kaddy.  

My One Year Mark! :)
Well I have to go, but I love you all so much! thanks for all the support and love! You are the greatest and I am so happy to know you! Can you believe it's been a year?! ahh. I can't even describe what I think of it all.  It's just unbelievable. I hope you are all reading your scriptures EVERYDAY and praying and I hope you are happy! :)

Be strong and of Good Courage Yo. Remember that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass.  1-10-15 & 3-2-1 Baby.  five stars! Long Live! Keep it Calm and Carry it On! Above all else, WORK iT!! :]


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