Monday, February 10, 2014

9th Transfer Baby :)

Hi! So last Monday I found out that I was getting transferred, but not only that, Penticton got closed down for Sisters! WHAT!? I was so shocked... we have been doing real well... probs the best I've done... we had really solid investigators and baptisms coming up and we handed everything over to new Elders! SO surprised! 
Doing my stretches on the Greyhound

I LOVE MY NEW AREA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO I am opening the Richmond English Sisters Area with Sister Struempler!!!!! :) This is the same area where the Mission Office and Home are! The Tillemans are in our ward (even though the are probably never there) and all the Office couples! :) This is also the Assistants to the Presidents Area and they haven't had any Sister Missionaries here before!  Apparently this was a lot of Sisters in the Mission's Dream to open this area and I never even knew it was an option! They told me a week before transfers that I would be transferred and that it would be close.. I didn't think it would be that close! ha. So Richmond is a HUGE city and it is its own Island. The only way in or out is a tunnel or bridge. This is where we always come for transfers. The Airport is here and it is also about 90% ASIAN!
Sisters Li, Struempler, & Ding
In fact, our apartment is not ready yet so we have been rooming with the Chinese Sisters and OH my Heck I love them! It's Sister Ding and Sister Li.  They are SO cute and they laugh at everything and they are just such a good stress reliever. Plus, they cook real food and it actually tastes good and they have been feeding us since we had nothing! ha so that was great.

I'm still a tich sick but on the mend.  I LOVE MY COMP! Sister Struempler is from all over cuz she has moved a lot in the U.S. But she is currently from Dallas Texas. She has been out 6 months and is 19.  Her and I are a lot alike and I just love her. She just gets it.  I would be so happy if I got to stay here the rest of my mission and was comps with her! So Pray for that! 

Anyway.. These last few days have been hectic and strange, but we are finally starting to get our area together! (still living out of a suitcase though)  Yesterday at church this Part-Member family came up to the Missionaries and said they were ready to be baptized!  The Mom is not a member, but the Husband and their two oldest are. They have been coming to church ever since they were married and met when he was on his mission in Japan. Any-who, The Mom said she would be baptized when the youngest turned eight. Well that time came and she wasn't ready so the youngest Daughter Rebecca, who is now nine, waited for her mom Wendy to be ready so they could do it together! Well now she is ready so she had her interview after church and we are going to go over everything with them for the next two weeks until their baptism! SUCH A MIRACLE!  I just can't even believe it.  So My first Sunday at church was pretty good to say the least;) Um what else.. I had to give the closing prayer in Sacrament.. We switched cars with the Chinese Sisters; So now I am driving a mini van.. whatever. Umm.... I am in a Chinese District now! I love it! :)  Elder D. Todd Christofferson is coming to our mission with three other General Authorities at the beginning of March!!!! The show "Once Upon a Time" is filmed here in Richmond.. Just a few blocks away is the clock tower and Granny's and Mr. Gold's Shop... Or so I heard from the Office! Ha we are like best friends with the Office! :)  Richmond is just so huge.  We went Street Contacting our first night here and ended up standing where all the people got off the sky train and it would be all crowded and crazy and we would be like frantically trying to talk to people and then 30 seconds later it would be completely empty! hahah and then an entire batch would show up again after two minutes and we would start all over! It was pretty ridiculous. haha :) Change is always interesting and before I left Penticton, I just promised myself that I was going to have so much Faith and Trust in the Lord in where ever he sent me! Well I can tell you that the Spirit has been with me through out all of this and I know that the Lord trust and loves me! I am back.  I feel like this is where I belong. I know that some of my finest moments as a missionary for the Lord will be in this area! I am ready to work hard and love the people and be exactly obedient and GO FOR SECOND!  I have struggled and gone through a lot so far on my mission and it has made me the person I am today and that is a disciple of Jesus Christ.  I know that he is there and last night during my prayers, thoughts entered my mind concerning why we go through trials and suffer tribulation... My mind was then enlightened with The Plan of Salvation and particularly the Kingdoms of Glory! This caused me to really ponder this morning during my studies on our Agency and how we will obtain and enter into the Kingdom of God and to what degree we will achieve. I was led straight to the Book of Matthew in the Bible as well as my Patriarchal Blessing and it brought further light and Knowledge into my view concerning these things.. I know that Obedience to the Laws of the Heaven is vital and I know that we show our faith in Christ when we are Obedient to his commandments.  I know that God hears and answers our prayers and he wants us to be happy.  I know that we go through hard times because it is a trial of our faith. I know that if just endure and hold on, then the good things and the blessings will come.  Sometimes we don't know why things happen the way they do and we don't know why it has to be us that has a certain trial, but I can promise in the name of Jesus Christ that if we put all our Trust in the Lord and have patience with a firm hope that one day we will rest from all our afflictions, then we will be forever happy in the Eternities. I know that The Gospel of Jesus Christ is True. I know it has been Restored on the earth and that we have living day Prophets who lead and guide us towards our Savior.  I know that the Book of Mormon is the most correct book of any here on the earth today.  I know that I am a Daughter of God. I know that there are Angels round about us that lift us up and support us. I know that Families are Forever. I know that My Redeemer Lives.  I know that we must be strong and of Good Courage in this life.  I know that the small and simple things make all the difference. I know that keeping calm and carrying on shows Heavenly Father that we trust and have faith in him. I love my family and I am so grateful I am a missionary.  I love everything about it and to think I am 2/3 done is mind-blowing! Long Live! 1-10-15 & 3-2-1 five Stars! WORK iT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :]
Sister Petersen :)

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