Monday, January 20, 2014

11 months baby! :)

Hi! I loved all your emails! Thanks for sending them! :) Sounds like things have been pretty intense with the grandparents.. I hope that everything works out! Just keep repeating to yourself, "I'm too blessed to be stressed!" :) 

YESTERDAY I GOT THE BIGGEST SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!! Merle & Babs came to the Penticton Ward to see me!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!! They are my converts from the Brookswood Ward! I was SO excited and happy! The closing hymn was, "God be with You till we meet again" and that is how I felt as I sat with them! :) it was great.. 
Merle & Babs & Me :)

Well today is my 11 month mark! Can you believe that?! It's bitter-sweet really.  I've been pondering about all the miracles I've seen thus far and all the things that have taken place on mission up to this point and it is overwhelming.  I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me and the people of British Columbia.  
The Week ending January 12th, the Mission had a new record of New Investigators found in a week... collectively we found 1,085! Sister Foley and I found 15 and last week we found 10.  We have just been so blessed.  The Lord is truly hastening his work and I feel like I have a front row seat!  When I first came out, we were finding 200-400 new investigators per month! Now we are finding 500-700 Per week! It's incredible.  The Lord is the one doing everything.  We are all simply his tools and instruments. 
We might be dull and a little out of tune, but he qualifies those he calls. I know from personal experience that this is true.  And you know who he calls? ALL latter-day Saints. There is no way we could have done this without such faithful members!  The members of the Church in this Provence are something else. let me tell you what. I feel very humbled to be serving along such strong disciples of Christ.  The active ones make the church look real, real good. 

So I don't like telling you too much about my investigators in case it goes sour, but whatever. YOSO<<-----hopefully more than once but hey..  So, We have been teaching a couple people, one of which is named Edith.  Edith is 67 and super cute! Her mother joined the church in 1979 and passed away in 1997 I believe.  Anyway, Edith was born in Austria and has had an extremely difficult life She was born Catholic and became Lutheran.  Studied with the JW's for a bit, and has traveled a lot.  I met her at the Creche open house in December and gave her a tour of the church building. She became a new investigator and we have been seeing her ever since! Her biggest leap of faith was letting go of tea and with the help of studying the Book of Mormon and prayer, she has been able to do this so easily.  Well, She was scheduled to get baptized in February, but we know she is ready, so this week we are going to invite her to be baptized at the end of January! (she has to be living the word of Wisdom three weeks or we would have baptized her yesterday)  Unless something comes up, I don't see any red flags.  She has an incredible true friend helping her progress and I love Edith with all my heart! Yesterday day at church she casually said to me, "Yeah, this church is the one." :)    yeah it is. It really truly is.  I love this church!!!:) I know this is the church of God.  I know it was restored onto the Earth through Joseph Smith. I know the Book of Mormon is evidence of this. I know the things written in there are true. I know God is with us. I know we are all children of a VERY LOVING Heavenly Father and I know He sends angels to watch over us. 
I know that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass
Be strong and of good courage! 
Keep calm and carry on! 
five stars! 
LONG LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
WORK iT!!!! :) :) :)   
Sister Petersen.

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