Hello everyone! I hope you have all had an awesome week! thanks for all the emails! I have had a great week being a missionary! :) I got to spend a lot of time with the Tilleman's which was special. Their farewell was yesterday and it was incredible. AHh. Just so good. On Wednesday I am meeting with My new Mission President, President and Sister Burt. They are from Bountiful Utah and they are gonna be fantastic! I can't wait to get to know them! :) Can I just say that I love being a Latter-Day Saint? Cuz I do! A LOT! I love everything about it. just saying. Well this email is going to be short, but I hope you are all doing great and are just so happy! I can't wait to see you guys! I don't have much to report on.. I'm just kinda Spiritually exhausted right now.. um I love my companion Sister Tingson. She is basically an Angel sent from heaven. I can't wait for you guys to meet her! She cooks such good food. I am officially eating rice for breakfast now! Oh yeah! it's happening! ha. Well I hope that this week especially, you remember the small and simple things and be super strong and of good courage. just trust in the Lord with all your might! focus on the positive. be you and only you. keep calm and all that good stuff and remember that you are a child of the Almighty God! 1-10-15 & 3-2-1! five stars! Choose the right WORK iT!! long Live:)
LOVE Your Sister Petersen! :)
The adventures, stories, and inspirations of Sister Jaynanne Petersen while serving an LDS mission to Vancouver, Canada, as recorded by her mom...
Monday, June 30, 2014
Monday, June 23, 2014
I am Desirous that Salvation Should be declared to Every Living Creature! SO HELP ME!
Down town Vancouver |
You guys sound like you had an awesome week! Congrats to T-rev & Tiff:)
:) Me and Sister Tingson |
My week has been a CraZy Miracle filled week doing the Lord's Work! Where do I even Begin?! So On Monday Sister Tingson and I were out finding those lost souls to come unto Christ and what not and there was this friendly old guy on a scooter who zoomed by us smiling and waving! He was too far away and too fast for us so we couldn't talk to him! About a half hour later we were walking back in the direction which we came, and the same man zoomed past us again! He was still too far away and too fast, but we felt like we were given a second chance to share the restored gospel with him! SO what did we do?! Of course we got our Pro Stalker-like Skills on and we chased after him! he was already a couple blocks down and we were right by our car, so we jumped in and started to head the way he went! We couldn't see him anywhere! like I still don't know how he went so fast! We drove three or four blocks down and then We spotted him in this huge park just rolling away! So we pulled over the car and we jump out and just start running through this park chasing after him! He was clear on the other side and we couldn't see which way he turned, but we get to the other side and we look left, we looked right, and than we looked left again, and we barely saw him just as he was turning into this complex so we booked it that way! We made it to the complex and it had so many different turns, but when in doubt, choose the right! Finally we spotted him right before he went into his garage and I was just like so out of breath and like, "SiR! WAIT! SIR! WE REALLY WANT TO TALK TO YOU!" ha ha he turned and just stared at us like we were freaks. We go running up to him and we were like breathing all hard and just like "Hi. We have been chasing you. We want to let you know God loves you and he wanted us to share a message with you!" This Man's name was Fred. Fred is a Jew and he was not interested. After a very brief conversation he drove away. I don't know why we felt the need to chase this man down when there were plenty of people we crazily ran past in the park and down the street that we could have easily talked to instead. But I do know that God loves his children and he knows every single one of them! I know that God loves Fred. Otherwise he would not have sent his two missionaries on a wild goose chase just to get rejected. I know that the gospel should be preached to every living creature and I know that everyone will have a chance to accept or reject the gospel.
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So I just Bring a good old PB&J to my Picnic's, but this is how the Philippines's do it. |
Picnic by the Ocean |
I love my mission! I love feeling God's pleasure as I find his lost sheep! I love Representing the Savior Jesus Christ! I love who I am! I love God's Plan! I can't wait to live with Him one day! I hope you all know who you are and what you stand for! Have a great week! Be Strong and of Good Courage! Remember that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass! Keep calm and carry on! do the 1-10-15 and 3-2-1! Be you and only you! Dare to be a Mormon! WORK iT!!!!!!!!! five stars! long live!
Love Your Crazy Awesome Missionary, Sister Petersen! :]
Monday, June 16, 2014
Hi! Happy Father's Day Dad! :] I love you SO much! You are one of my hero's! So glad your mine:)
This past week was crazy hectic! Let me tell you what! My new companion is so dang cute! Her name is Sister Tingson and She grew up in the Philippines but has been in Canada for the Last two years! I love her so much! Every now and than she reminds me of Jessica:) haha So now I am the only white Sister In our District of three companionships! Not gonna lie, It's pretty Sweet. I'm basically Asian now. I'll send a pic. We are all training a new missionary which is pretty funny! I guess we are just that cool;) It was the Tilleman's Last Transfer Meeting because they conclude their Mission in just 2 Weeks... you could have cut the Spirit with a knife! Not a dry eye in the Room. It was very moving and very spiritual. I love them very dearly and it was the first time I got Tilleman-Sick during that meeting. I just know that we are as The Army of Tilleman in the Canada Vancouver Mission. I know that we were organized together before this world began and I feel very honored and privileged to have them in my life. These have been days never to be forgotten. That is for sure. Nevertheless, The New Mission President and Mission Mom Will be awesome! :)
On Friday we went to this Special Woman's Conference held at my Stake Center in Surrey for the Lower-Mainland and In attendance was one of my favorite General Authorities, Elder Christensen and a member of each of the General Relief Society, Primary, and Young Women's Presidencies! So that was pretty neat and I got to meet and talk with each one of them! :)
I am super stoked that Trevor & Tiffany are getting married this week!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS SO EXCITING! Tiffany I can't wait to be your Sis-in-Law! We are gonna party it up all the time! Petersen Style. Welcome to the Fam:) Congrats Trev! So happy for ya! I Love you both a ton! hope the Big Day super special and just enjoy it cuz it only happens once! My Adivce... Work iT! Plus Be Strong and Of Good Courage! Remember the Small and Simple things and don't worry be happy! Just Keep Calm and Carry on if Something goes amiss and just know that Truth will Prevail! Long Live the Walls you crashed through to get to this point and when all is said and done, do the 1-10-15 & 3-2-1! I love you all so much! I have the best family in the World! :) Don't you forget about me!
Love Sister Petersen:]
This past week was crazy hectic! Let me tell you what! My new companion is so dang cute! Her name is Sister Tingson and She grew up in the Philippines but has been in Canada for the Last two years! I love her so much! Every now and than she reminds me of Jessica:) haha So now I am the only white Sister In our District of three companionships! Not gonna lie, It's pretty Sweet. I'm basically Asian now. I'll send a pic. We are all training a new missionary which is pretty funny! I guess we are just that cool;) It was the Tilleman's Last Transfer Meeting because they conclude their Mission in just 2 Weeks... you could have cut the Spirit with a knife! Not a dry eye in the Room. It was very moving and very spiritual. I love them very dearly and it was the first time I got Tilleman-Sick during that meeting. I just know that we are as The Army of Tilleman in the Canada Vancouver Mission. I know that we were organized together before this world began and I feel very honored and privileged to have them in my life. These have been days never to be forgotten. That is for sure. Nevertheless, The New Mission President and Mission Mom Will be awesome! :)
On Friday we went to this Special Woman's Conference held at my Stake Center in Surrey for the Lower-Mainland and In attendance was one of my favorite General Authorities, Elder Christensen and a member of each of the General Relief Society, Primary, and Young Women's Presidencies! So that was pretty neat and I got to meet and talk with each one of them! :)
I am super stoked that Trevor & Tiffany are getting married this week!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS SO EXCITING! Tiffany I can't wait to be your Sis-in-Law! We are gonna party it up all the time! Petersen Style. Welcome to the Fam:) Congrats Trev! So happy for ya! I Love you both a ton! hope the Big Day super special and just enjoy it cuz it only happens once! My Adivce... Work iT! Plus Be Strong and Of Good Courage! Remember the Small and Simple things and don't worry be happy! Just Keep Calm and Carry on if Something goes amiss and just know that Truth will Prevail! Long Live the Walls you crashed through to get to this point and when all is said and done, do the 1-10-15 & 3-2-1! I love you all so much! I have the best family in the World! :) Don't you forget about me!
Love Sister Petersen:]
New Companion,
Women's Conference
Surrey, BC, Canada
Monday, June 9, 2014
Life Lessons :)
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The Office Sisters Surprised me with a Birthday Cake! :) |
Oh Hey! Thank you SO much for all the Birthday wishes! I had an awesome birthday filled with awesomeness! :)
My Recent Convert Emily treated us to a Birthday Lunch when I turned 21!:) |
I may or may not have gone here for my 21st birthday! ha |
CONGRATULATIONS DAD! Woo Woo! way to be! WAY TO BE! My Recent Convert Emily was like, " Awh! You are a Princess! You are a Princess to the Bishop! Awh!" haha it was so Asianly cute! :)
Well yesterday afternoon for the first time in the history of forever, We got Transfer Calls!!!!!!!!!!! (this is usually a Monday night of the sixth week of the transfer occurrence) Since the Assistants are in our ward, we talk to them all the time so when we missed their call, we thought nothing of it! (Usually when "Assistants" call you it's a high priority type of thing) So we called them back and it turns out Sister Struempler is getting transferred and I get to Stay here in Richmond and train a new missionary! AHHH! crazy. pray for me. So I'll be getting my new companion Thursday Morning, but until then, We are the carpool for the four sisters leaving on Wednesday and for the next three days we will be driving them to and from the Greyhound Bus Stop, Mission Office, Mission Home, Apartments, and Airport! Just call us a taxi service! It's pretty fun:)
Staying Hydrated! |
After They leave, the group that came out with me and Myself, will be the oldest Missionaries in the Mission! (we were the first set of 19 year old's to come to this mission! When I first got here there were like 13 Sisters and we made it 24. Now there are over 100 Sisters Serving in the Canada Vancouver Mission! Boom Baby!) This past week we had to randomly move apartments which was hectic and stressful! Nevertheless, we took it like champs and now we are in the same building as the Chinese Sisters and a Senior Couple so that's pretty great!
Oh, Last Sunday we Had this Canada Wide Stake Conference Broadcast and it was SO POWERFUL! like dang. Elder Holland and President Eyring spoke to us as well as the General Relief Society President and Elder Perkins! It was SO killer. If you get a chance, look it up! Other than that, not much has happened..
Oh I learned how to Breathe! Ya so apparently for 21 years of my life I haven't been breathing correctly! Who knew that you used your stomach to breathe! WHO KNEW!? so yeah.. learned all about what a diaphragm was so that was pretty exciting! The things you learn on a mission..
Actually speaking about learning, I have learned SO much while serving here! I absolutely love learning about the gospel and I love discussing it! Probably one of the Most enjoyable things is when you actually get someone to stop and listen to you and then have a real conversation with you on the street! and it's not just another "let's compare your religion to my religion" but an actual conversation of interest! Those are the best! Last Week I talked with this guy named Alex at the Sky Train stop and before I even started he was just asking question after question about the Bible and Christ's Ministry among other deep questions and it was so fun to know the answers to the questions and than for him to take my word for it and tell me I was Knowledgeable! The best part was when I tied all back to the Book of Mormon and had him wanting it before I even offered! Ah Man! It's those Conversations that get you through the day and humble ya because you know that God was inspiring you what to say and you just know that you are not alone! The Spirit is the teacher and testifier and it is up to us to be worthy and obedient to have the Spirit with us always and especially in those times of need! That's when you feel like an instrument and tool in God's Hands and I am here to tell you that nothing can compare!
I LOVE discussing the Gospel! I can't get enough of it! A couple weeks ago, I gained new insights on revelation pertaining to the Plan of Salvation and just this last week I had the rare and sacred opportunity to personally share what I learned with my Mission President just because he knew I wanted to. I went into his Office, laid out my Journal, planner, Preach my Gospel, Scriptures, hymn book, and his last two Mission Memorandums, on his Desk, slid up a chair, and for a good hour we discussed & studied Eternal Truths. The Plan of Salvation is True. God's Love is real. Jesus is the Christ and the Savior of the World. I know that I am a daughter of God. I know that one day I will become like him and live in his Kingdom with my family forever! I know that Christ has restored his Gospel back onto the Earth through a Prophet of God and I know that nothing else but the Doctrine of Christ matters. It is So small and Simple and yet it is So GREAT!
I want to invite you all to Be Strong and of Good Courage and just enjoy the moments!
Keep Calm and Carry On!
1-10-15 & 3-2-1
Five Stars!
LOnG LiVE! WORK iT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, June 2, 2014
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the Only true and living church on the earth today. It is the only church on the face of the planet that has the Proper Priesthood Authority to act in God's Name and perform saving Ordinances.
Christ's Church was restored through Joseph Smith who was called as a Prophet of God.
Under the Direction of Jesus Christ and by the power of God, Joseph Smith Translated The Book of Mormon. This book, along with the Bible, has the complete and full Doctrine of Christ.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God and was Sent by God to atone for the sins of the world. It is only through Jesus Christ that we can gain exaltation and live with our families forever in the Kingdom of God.
Jesus Christ Lives.
We are All God's Children and He loves us. He knew us before we were born.
We have a living Day Prophet today named Thomas S. Monson who has the Power and Authority to act in God's Name and everything he directs us to do is from God.
Like Spencer, These are the things that I know and I only gained knowledge of it by prayerfully studying and asking God if these things were true and by the power of the Holy Ghost I know it is true.
It doesn't matter how much I know, it brings me so. much. Joy!
I know what Elder Petersen said is true. With him I bear my Witness as a servant of the Lord, in the British Columbia and Canadian Province, in the Name of My Lord and Savior, even Jesus the Christ, Amen.
Christ's Church was restored through Joseph Smith who was called as a Prophet of God.
Under the Direction of Jesus Christ and by the power of God, Joseph Smith Translated The Book of Mormon. This book, along with the Bible, has the complete and full Doctrine of Christ.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God and was Sent by God to atone for the sins of the world. It is only through Jesus Christ that we can gain exaltation and live with our families forever in the Kingdom of God.
Jesus Christ Lives.
We are All God's Children and He loves us. He knew us before we were born.
We have a living Day Prophet today named Thomas S. Monson who has the Power and Authority to act in God's Name and everything he directs us to do is from God.
Like Spencer, These are the things that I know and I only gained knowledge of it by prayerfully studying and asking God if these things were true and by the power of the Holy Ghost I know it is true.
It doesn't matter how much I know, it brings me so. much. Joy!
I know what Elder Petersen said is true. With him I bear my Witness as a servant of the Lord, in the British Columbia and Canadian Province, in the Name of My Lord and Savior, even Jesus the Christ, Amen.
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