The rest of the week was good. We had Zone Conference with President and Sister Tilleman and that went well. President was like, "how long have you been here?" I was like, "I hit my eight month mark on Sunday." he was like, "No, how long have you been in this area?" I just looked at him and was like, "this is my first area." he just leaned back and was like WoW. It was one of those moments where you shake your hand infront of someones face and they don't see it ya know?! haha so yeah.. on Friday, there were 12 companionship's that went to Abbotsford where all the Laurels and Priests in the Providence were at this conference and we acted as their Zone Leaders for the Day and went around to all these workshops. It was really fun!
A huge highlight of the week was going to The temple With Karen. It was so spiritual. She looked so pretty and Pure in her white. It was such a special experience that I will never forget. For the first time ever, when they prayed for the missionaries, I felt it. I felt the power. I felt the faith and prayers of the Members. I felt like I was one of those missionaries they were praying for. I am so happy I got to go to the Temple with Karen. On Wednesday, we met at the temple with Karen to go on splits and she was telling me that her mom who has been inactive for Twenty five years saw the example Karen was setting and she has decided to come back to church and take the Temple lessons and be sealed to her husband and Karen for time and All eternity. I was soooooo happy! I was like "KAREN! do you see what an impact your decision to go to the temple has made on your family!?" and than she just burst into tears and said, "No Sister Petersen, this is all happening because of you." and than she just cried. It was so tender. The temple was behind her and it was beautiful moment. I love her! I am so grateful that I was able to help. I don't really feel like I did that much. ha. But hugging her in the Celestial room was special. I was all anxious and nervous haha and I know it is going to be like that in Heaven.
Well, I love you all. Hope you all have a great week.
Remember the Small and Simple things!
Be strong and of Good Courage.
keep calm and preach the gospel!
five stars! 1-10-15 Long Live! 3-2-1!
WORK iTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)